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Özel Arama

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fibromyalgia at 18 Gold Suggestions ...

-Cold, windy weather and high humidity environment away from

-Lying in the same time, try to get up at the same time -

Light and prevent sweating select underwear

-Yourself, hungry, angry, tired, do not put you to situations -

Do not take extreme sugary foods, use the stairs instead of elevators possible death;

-Not the cause of the disease, to focus on solutions -

-Reduce stress in your life, away from the stressful environment and coping with stress, learn and apply their

-The phone handset between your shoulder and head Do not hold the purse-shoulder carry-Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco to stay away from

Avoid passive life-your-neck and low back while sleeping roll under your (fine) to support this part by putting a towel

-Learn relaxation techniques (yoga, body, awarenenss)

-Nuisance cases, controlled breathing, try to relax yourself

-Here at home, sitting, make sure your posture while standing (back and support your back)

Well-while driving make sure your headrest

-Body dry and warm clothing preference

-Take time for rest and change positions often work

Wall paint-like head on the level of activity do not

-As much water as possible

-Place to be replaced, rather than pull heavy objects, prefer to see it

A comfortable bed to sleep-arm and neck ROM exercises are performed before


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